
Seven Point Sunday💡

I help you build your portfolio career. Get 7 actionable ideas on Sundays. From a Multi-Grammy & Multi-Emmy Winner, New York Times bestselling author (19 books), ex-J.P. Morgan banker, Navy Vet. Join 10k readers.

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7PS: 1,239 Ideas & Counting 💡

Read time: 1 minute, 331 words. I've written this newsletter for 177 consecutive weeks. Let's do some math.177 editions x 7 ideas a week = 1,239 total ideas that I've shared over ~3.5 years. I've talked about my music or books ~62 times or 5%.I'm not trying to convince you that I'm holier than thou (I'm not). This newsletter earns ~200 signups per month.Folks aren't joining to learn about my projects.People don't watch TV for the ads. The key to growth is creating value. If you're trying to...

Read time: 1 minute, 259 words. My dad arrived early for his 9 AM doctor's appointment. But the doctor made him wait until 9:45 AM.Dad didn't like that he had to wait so long.👉🏽 So, this is what he did. Now when dad arrives, the doctor waits outside to greet him.(You could try this with service providers.)Hope it helps.-Kabir Seven Point Sunday - October 13 💼 Portfolio Career Meet Marion Keisker. She was first to record Elvis Presley. She was a radio show host and later joined the US Air...

Read time: 1 minute, 311 words. When I worked in banking, everyone was a quick call away.If my New York-based client had a problem with a deal in Indonesia, I'd call my colleague in Jakarta.My colleague would pick up.We'd solve the problem immediately. Money never sleeps.Years later, when I worked in corporate strategy, sometimes my manager would reach out:"This is an emergency. We need to talk."I'd write back: "Sure, anytime.""Find a time in my calendar in the next 2 weeks..." 😮That's when I...

Read time: 1 minute, 259 words. The Chief Marketing Officer of a Fortune 500 company called me:"Whom would you suggest to write music for our commercial?" I had 3 ideas.1. An established composer.2. An emerging composer.3. A student composer.I called all three. 👉🏽 Here's who got the opportunity. (And what clients love.) -Kabir Seven Point Sunday - September 29 💼 Portfolio Career Meet Archie Roundtree. Lawyer, writer, speaker. "It is through the performing arts that I found a calling within...

Read time: 1 minute, 299 words. I don't watch TV.I don't scroll social media.I don't join boards.I don't go to parties or events.I don't have dinners with friends. (well, I've had 2 this year) I sit in my cave studio -- and read, write, & compose. I walk a lot (while on many unscheduled calls).I don't have FOMO - The Fear of Missing Out.I embrace JOMO - The Joy of Missing Out.👉🏽 Here's why - and how to go about it. This approach isn't for everyone. Perhaps aspects will speak to you. -KabirPS...

Read time: 1 minute, 302 words. When it comes to social media, I'm an early adopter but late bloomer. I joined Facebook in 2004 - weeks after launch. I infrequently used it.In fact, I only "got serious" about social media about 12 weeks ago. Now I post every day on LinkedIn.So, why did it take me 20 years?I finally embraced the paradox of how to grow on social media... without feeling yucky like I'm self-promoting. 👉🏽 Here's how I grow on social media (while still being able to look at myself...