
Seven Point Sunday💡

I help you build your portfolio career. Get 7 actionable ideas on Sundays. From a Multi-Grammy & Multi-Emmy Winner, New York Times bestselling author (19 books), ex-J.P. Morgan banker, Navy Vet. Join 10k readers.

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7PS: Take this step & grow your social media 📈

Read time: 1 minute, 302 words. When it comes to social media, I'm an early adopter but late bloomer. I joined Facebook in 2004 - weeks after launch. I infrequently used it.In fact, I only "got serious" about social media about 12 weeks ago. Now I post every day on LinkedIn.So, why did it take me 20 years?I finally embraced the paradox of how to grow on social media... without feeling yucky like I'm self-promoting. 👉🏽 Here's how I grow on social media (while still being able to look at myself...

?7 Ideas to Build Your Portfolio Career

Read time: 1 minute, 326 words. If you're like many artists I know, you launch headfirst into your project. You complete the work. And struggle endeavor to get it out.How do I get people to pay attention to my artistry?Prussian General Carl Von Clausewitz wrote about 3 levels of war:1. Strategic - Which war should we wage?2. Operational - How do we achieve the commander's objectives?3. Tactical - How do we win this battle? Artists often jump to the tactical level (writing lyrics, recording...