7PS: 11 brutal career truths for creative people 🔨

Read time: 1 minute, 291 words.

You follow the rules.

Climb the ladder.

Chase "success."

But what if everything you’ve been told about your career is wrong?

  • Corporate titles? Golden handcuffs.
  • Most "urgent" tasks? Not actually important.
  • Comfort? The enemy of growth.

I learned these lessons the hard way:

Leaving a high-paying job in banking to start from scratch.

The toughest part?

Unlearning what I thought I knew.

Your path may look different, but these truths remain the same.

These are 11 brutal career truths nobody taught us.


Seven Point Sunday - February 16

💼 Portfolio Career

Meet Peter Williams. Excels in finance, writing, podcasting, and non-profit leadership. From Hong Kong, he balances a corporate job with creative pursuits, showing how to merge multiple passions into a fulfilling career.

⚡️ Productivity

Mailbutler. AI powered smart assistant for Outlook & Gmail. Helps prioritize emails, schedule follow-ups, and manage tasks with ease.

💰 Passive

Consider Qakaa - Marketplace for trading custom digital products. Sell e-books, templates, social media content, or automation scripts to generate passive income.

🎵 Music

Funeral by Arcade Fire. Written amid personal loss—several band members lost family members before its release—the album is filled with themes of nostalgia, resilience, and the fleeting nature of youth.

📚 Books

The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel. A fascinating look at how people think about wealth, investing, and financial decision-making. It's not about formulas but about human behavior and mindset.

💭 AI Prompt

What is one personal struggle you’ve faced recently? Now imagine an AI life coach giving you tailored advice on how to navigate it. What actionable steps would it suggest to help you grow and improve?

🥣 Gravy

Introverts aren't anti-social

9 types of income

What people remember the most

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