7PS: 5 Formulas to Simplify Your Life βš—οΈ

Read time: 1 minute, 235 words.
5 formulas to ponder as you wrap your year:

  • Happiness = Results - Expectations
  • Creativity = Curiosity + Constraints
  • Confidence = Experience / Doubts
  • Fulfillment = Contribution + Growth
  • Joy = Traditions x Togetherness


​Seven Point Sunday - December 8
πŸ’Ό Portfolio Career

Meet Ron Finley. Fashion designer & guerilla gardener. Compelling TED talk.


⚑️ Productivity

​Deepgram - Convert spoken words into text, making it easier to document ideas, conduct interviews.​

πŸ’° Passive

​Gumroad - Sell ebooks, online courses, music, design templates, & more. Ideal choice for creators looking to turn their skills & knowledge into income.


πŸ“š Books

​The Enigma Girls by Sarah Rose. Women who cracked codes during World War II, uncovering their bravery, intelligence, & lasting impact on history. Unsung heroes who changed the course of history.


🎡 Music

​The Greatest Gift: Songs of the Season by Alexis Cole. Blends jazz with festive classics, creating a soulful atmosphere. Favorites: "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" & "O Holy Night."

πŸ’­ AI Prompt
Can you draft a compelling book blurb for my upcoming novel? It should capture the plot, hook readers, and convey the genre and tone. Aim for a length that works for the back cover or an online listing.

πŸ₯£ Gravy
​Your resume is dead​

​Emily Dickinson's poems + Taylor Swift's music​
​Why I don't charge artists to produce music​
Time to make summer jams...

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Kabir & Sue Sehgal

The Monthly Bucket

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Seven Point SundayπŸ’‘

I help you build your portfolio career. Get 7 actionable ideas on Sundays. From a Multi-Grammy & Multi-Emmy Winner, New York Times bestselling author (19 books), ex-J.P. Morgan banker, Navy Vet. Join 10k readers.

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