7PS: 7 Ways to Create Positive Gossip πŸ—£οΈ

Read time: 1 minute, 263 words.


Usually negative, right?

But what if it wasn't?

What if gossip could actually be positive?

Imagine a workplace where people talk about each other's wins.

It's not just possible -- it's contagious.

​Here are 7 ways you can create, share, & leverage positive gossip.


​Seven Point Sunday - February 9
πŸ’Ό Portfolio Career

Meet Ruth Simmons. Professor, author, university president. "I am not the person I was supposed to be. Rather, I am the person that I dreamed of becoming."

⚑️ Productivity

​Omniflow - supercharges your product development journey from ideation, design, development till release with AI​

πŸ’° Passive

Consider Corning. High tech glass and ceramics. Supplies materials for tablets, smartphones, etc. Tech stock that offers dividend. This thesis.

🎡 Music

​Brisket for Breakfast by Joe Alterman featuring Houston Person. Live album of this pianist & saxophonist playing down-home songs like "You Are My Sunshine" & "Namely You."


πŸ“š Books

​Range by David Epstein. Generalists, rather than specialists, often excel in a rapidly changing world. Through stories from sports, business, and science, he explores how having a wide range of skills can be an asset and how thinking broadly fosters innovation.

πŸ’­ AI Prompt
How can I stop comparing my progress to the success of others and focus more on my own growth? What are practical steps I can take to appreciate my unique journey without being distracted by external achievements?


πŸ₯£ Gravy

​Even Taylor Swift struggles with the need for approval

​The modern path to stardom​

​A day in the life of Erik Satie​


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Seven Point SundayπŸ’‘

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