7PS: Forget the Past? ⏩

Read time: 1 minute, 300 words.

For the folks going to New Year’s parties...

Here’s what "Auld Lang Syne" means:

“Old long since.”

Or, in simple terms, "days gone by" or "old times."

It’s a tradition to remember old friends and look back on the past year.

So, as you’re singing (try to memorize the first two lines) with your friends…

And breaking out into a chorus of "for auld lang syne, my dear" while clinking your drink...

Now you at least know what it means!

It just asks whether old pals & times should be forgotten.

(Most definitely not.)

I saved you a midnight Google.

Happy New Year!


Seven Point Sunday - December 29

💼 Portfolio Career

Meet Keti Bochorishvili. Government official & managing partner. She aims for "flow" state in her work, so she takes a morning hike: "It's a serene start to my day, infusing me with a sense of peace and grounding that resonates throughout the hours ahead."

⚡️ Productivity

Wondercraft - Create hyper-realistic AI audio content like ads, podcasts and meditations, without recording.

💰 Passive

Turo - Rent out your car.

📚 Books

Grief is for People by Sloane Crosley. The complexities of grief, blending her signature wit with insights into loss, resilience, and connection. It’s a poignant reminder that grief touches everyone, yet it remains uniquely personal.

🎵 Music

Urban Tracks by Cliff Korman. Brazil-based artist captures the spirit of jazz with a mix of standards & compositions. Favorites: "Whisper Not" & "Fall"

💭 AI Prompt

Can you help me reflect on my personal growth this past year? I'd like an overview of key moments, lessons learned, and areas where I can continue growing in the new year.

🥣 Gravy

Make your New Year's resolutions stick

Try this biz model for the arts

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Seven Point Sunday💡

I help you build your portfolio career. Get 7 actionable ideas on Sundays. From a Multi-Grammy & Multi-Emmy Winner, New York Times bestselling author (19 books), ex-J.P. Morgan banker, Navy Vet. Join 10k readers.

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