7PS: What Leaders *Don't* Use 🚫

Read time: 1 minute, 311 words.
Ever noticed how some leaders don't use the products they create?

Silicon Valley execs send their kids to schools that minimize screen time.

Social media CEOs rely on large teams to manage their own accounts.
I know Coca-Cola execs who don't drink Coke.

Then there's Oprah Winfrey.

Despite building an empire on television, she barely watches it herself.

"I don't have energy coming into my sphere that I'm not consciously inviting in," she says.

What kind of energy are you consciously inviting in? πŸ€”

​Seven Point Sunday - December 15
πŸ’Ό Portfolio Career

Meet Rain Wilson. Author, podcaster, actor known for his role in The Office. "The greatest thing ever in the history of the world and of all of human endeavor from time immemorial is stories."


⚑️ Productivity

​PDF BFF - Chat your way through long documents & cut your reading time.​

πŸ’° Passive

​Google Opinion Rewards - Share your opinions through quick surveys, which can earn you credits for app purchases, music, more. Turn a few minutes into perks.

πŸ“š Books

​Ian Fleming: The Complete Man by Nicholas Shakespeare. Biography explores the life of Ian Fleming, the man behind James Bond, delving into his work as a journalist, intelligence officer, & author. Adventures that shaped Fleming's life & character.


🎡 Music

​Let It Be Like Christmas by Jeff Lofton. Jazz album brings the holiday spirit to life with his signature trumpet style, blending traditional sounds with a fresh take on holiday classics. Favorites: "Jingle Bells" & "Silent Night."

πŸ’­ AI Prompt
Can you write an outrageous backstory for my pen name? Make it quirky, inspiring, and slightly mysterious. Use just enough detail to spark curiosity.

πŸ₯£ Gravy
​100 best album covers from 2024​

​What an HBO executive looks for when greenlighting a project

​My prediction for music in 2025​


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Seven Point SundayπŸ’‘

I help you build your portfolio career. Get 7 actionable ideas on Sundays. From a Multi-Grammy & Multi-Emmy Winner, New York Times bestselling author (19 books), ex-J.P. Morgan banker, Navy Vet. Join 10k readers.

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