7PS: You're invited to my funeral ☠️ (Please RSVP)

Read time: 1 minute, 371 words.
My resume makes me cringe.

It's an obnoxious litany of my accomplishments.

You don't care how many books I've written or awards I've won.
And frankly, neither do I.

I guess I could just delete it…
But then I think…what if I miss out on an opportunity?
I'm still struggling on the path to detach from material desires.

The thing is…

I don't want to be remembered for my resume or what I achieved.

So...how do I want to be remembered?

​I decided to write my own eulogy.
Discover the legacy I hope to leave behind (and what music/food I want at my farewell).
And YES, you're invited to my funeral. Though I hope it doesn't happen for a while.

Would you come? (I'd love to know ahead of time!)

Hit reply & let me know.


PS – No need to worry. Just in a self-reflective mood.

PSS – Sorry mom, I know you don't love this thought experiment.

Seven Point Sunday - July 7​

πŸ’Ό Portfolio Career

Meet Tom Lehrer. Mathematician, singer-songwriter, & satirist. "Life is like a sewer: what you get out of it depends on what you put into it."


⚑️ Productivity
Consider Superhuman. Super fast email. Get 4 hours back every week.

πŸ’° Passive
Consider Merck. Pharmaceutical company with dividend ~2.4%. This thesis: "Its well-balanced business model...and superb financial strength."

πŸ“š Books
Read When in Doubt, Play Dead by Becky Masterman. Learn to live your life the opossum way. The difference between a weed and a flower is often a matter of taste. It's nobody's business what's in your pouch. Unless you've got snacks in there. In which case, you should share.

🎡 Music
Listen to Fearless Movement by Kamasi Washington. This jazz/dance album is about "movement and expression." Informed by his new journey as a father. Unusual and compelling juxtaposition of sounds. Favorites: "Lines in the Sand" & "Dream State" feat. AndrΓ© 3000.

πŸ’­ AI Prompt
Develop a study plan for [specific subject or skill], including learning resources, schedule, and key milestones.

​See output​

πŸ₯£ Gravy

​10 ways your day job can fuel your creative career. Don't underestimate #5 & #10.
​Everything you create is a work in progress​

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Seven Point SundayπŸ’‘

I help you build your portfolio career. Get 7 actionable ideas on Sundays. From a Multi-Grammy & Multi-Emmy Winner, New York Times bestselling author (19 books), ex-J.P. Morgan banker, Navy Vet. Join 10k readers.

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