7PS: In praise of shyness 🀐

Read time: 1 minute, 320 words.
The holidays can bring anxiety.

It's a season of gatherings -- where sociability is celebrated.

But for some of us, the idea of attending events & meeting folks is overwhelming.

In a world that values outgoing personalities, it's OK to be introverted.

Many acclaimed artists are shy.

Elvis Presley was a loner.

The Economist writes, "Shyness & creativity often go hand in hand."

Being peculiar or reserved isn't a flaw.

It's part of what makes us unique.

So this season, if you’d rather keep to yourself, remember that some of the most celebrated creators felt the same way.

​Seven Point Sunday - December 22
πŸ’Ό Portfolio Career

Meet Kristine Tompkins. Conservationist, former Patagonia CEO. "The first step to saving nature is the rewilding of our own minds."


⚑️ Productivity

​WebFill - Uses advanced AI models to automatically fill forms, complete surveys, handle data entry, solve multiple-choice questions, generate and respond to emails, more.​

πŸ’° Passive

​Consolidated Edison. Utility company that provides electricity, gas, and steam to millions of customers, known for its steady dividend. This thesis.


πŸ“š Books

​Filterworld: How Algorithms Flattened Culture by Kyle Chayka. What does it mean to make a choice when the options have been so carefully arranged for us? Is personal freedom possible on the Internet?

🎡 Music

​Postcards for a Christmas: Bilingual Arabic Holiday Songs by Amanda Abizaid. Holiday themes with Arabic lyrics, creating a multicultural celebration.

​Night Divine by Quinn Hedges. Soulful renditions of carols. Warm & intimate feel to holiday favorites.

πŸ’­ AI Prompt
Can you help me craft a heartfelt message for my holiday card? Make it warm, genuine, and add a touch of humor that friends and family will love.

πŸ₯£ Gravy
​Are you making a difference in the world?​
​It's OK to feel melancholy during the holidays​

​Office holiday parties should finish by 3PM​

​The hustle culture can wait for the holidays​

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Seven Point SundayπŸ’‘

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